Summary: Rafael Vargas has been in love with Tomiko ever since his teens. When he hears she might be leaving for good he realizes he needs to make a move and soon. There’s only a slight problem. Tomiko is his big sister's best friend and Rafael knows convincing Tomiko to be his is not going to be easy.
Rated: Mature Content
Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: GeneralGenre: Comedy ,
RomanceStory Status: ActivePairings: None
Warnings: Fluff,
Original Characters,
Sexual Content ,
Strong Sexual Content ,
Un-betaed ,
Work in ProgressChallenges: Chamber Grindhouse Challenge 4
Series: None
Chapters: 5
Completed: No
Word count: 8369
Read: 30252
Published: January 03 2013
Updated: August 06 2013
1. The Cast by Yuukiyanagi [Reviews - 4] (21 words)
2. The Vargas by Yuukiyanagi [Reviews - 12] (2000 words)
hello Chamber! with the new year i promised myself to be braver so i'm posting a story that should've been posted at last year's Grindhouse Challenge but i chickended out, lol! *blush*
so here's a sexy short trick for your treat - excuse errors (and wordpun) & enjoy!
3. Crazy Little Things You Do for Lust and Love by Yuukiyanagi [Reviews - 6] (2040 words)
Excuse Errors & Enjoy! :D
4. The Halloween Party part I So Anxious by Yuukiyanagi [Reviews - 3] (1826 words)
rewrote this chapter because the previous one felt rushed and was poorly written - you guys deserve better and i can do better so here we go once again...! Enjoy & Excuse Errors!
5. The Halloween Party part II Blame It On The A-a-alcohol by Yuukiyanagi [Reviews - 8] (2482 words)
writing is hardwork(!) and i'm still learning - i just really hope i was able to convey my idea in this chapter *cross fingers*
enjoy the read & excuse errors!