A Prose; a study on love and color and difference.
Context: Cassie and Dean. They met. They fell in love. She's in the thick of things now; here's a moment in time. He spent the night at her dorm and she wakes up. Here are her thoughts.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
She stretches out her stiff limbs in the bed that’s two small for the both of them to fit; but they close in so tightly to one another that they’re unaware of the bed size and more concerned with the curve and crook of the other’s body.
She turns towards him, because the shades are open and the sun’s shinning right on the window. She puts her legs over his, and he only moves to adjust so that they’re both comfortable, but his eyes remain closed.
She wants to smile; he looks so peaceful when he sleeps, and yes, she understands that everyone does, but she knows him; the hard lines of his jaw, the purse of his lips, the stone in his eyes because he’s trying so hard.
Because he believes he has to; for her. And it breaks her heart and sometimes she regrets them, but he won’t ever let that thought stay because he can tell when she gets that look and he eradicates it immediately.
Because, no matter how many lines and crossed looks he receives for the hardness in his face or the girl on his arm, he’s never ever regretted them. She knows, that long after this, wherever this goes, he won’t ever regret them.
Because he loves her and he loves what they are and he’s always respected a challenge, so he takes them in strides, no matter how tiring it can be.
It's short--I just kinda wanted to update and I know this is crapy but I suddenly have writer's block. :/
Hope you enjopyed, regardless:)