Zaira Jacobs and Eli Jacobs (her son) runs away from their past, from the pain, and from a 6 foot 4 German (Adrian Hitzag).
However, Adrian is not too eager to let his beloved mate escape from his grasp.
Follow the story of a determine mother, a curious son, and a possessive German.
Rated: Mature Content
Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: SupernaturalGenre: Drama,
Suspense Story Status: ActivePairings: None
Warnings: BDSM,
Dark Fic,
Extreme Language,
Original Characters,
Sexual Content ,
Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 8
Completed: No
Word count: 24066
Read: 46582
Published: April 01 2015
Updated: January 07 2016
Story Notes:
This is my first story which I started on Literotica. However, I have changed a lot of things from Chapter 3 to the Ending. I'll try to post a couple of chapters weekly (max 3 chapters). There is a slim possibility that I will post the Ending on Lit because the submission process is long, tedious, and frustrating. All comments/critiques are welcomed. Also, I will let the readers decide if Avoidng the Storm should become a series (Conrad's and Nelly's story)...It will become a series by popular vote therefore comment/e-mail!
P.S. I need a Beta-reader!!
Thank you & Enjoy,
1. Opening Credits by black_beauty904 [Reviews - 14] (37 words)
2. The Beginning [1] by black_beauty904 [Reviews - 4] (2752 words)
3. The Collision of Fate [2] by black_beauty904 [Reviews - 11] (2679 words)
4. Nothing but Nightmares [3] by black_beauty904 [Reviews - 8] (4995 words)
Imagine the green glow was purple.
The Creature
5. The Calm before the Storm [4] by black_beauty904 [Reviews - 9] (2866 words)
Sorry for not posting last week, something came up... Since I missed last week post, it might be a double post this week. I want to thank everyone for their reviews and comments!! I especially want to thank KeiKei, my beta reader. The person pretraying Conrad is Seth Forena and Ron from Harry Potter (which I love BTW lol)
I know this chapter is kind of low-key buy it's the "calm before the storm" lol. Without further adieu, I give you Avoiding the Storm chapter 4...enjoy & please any comments/critiques!
6. Revenge is best severed cold [5] by black_beauty904 [Reviews - 3] (3509 words)
First: I want to thank everyone for their comments and reviews
Second: A special Thank You to my editor KeiKei
Third: The MacLeod clan is another werewolf clan & Zaira is not Colin's mate... He's just a flirtatious bastard lol
Lastly: the Creature is not an Ogre but a demon
Hope you enjoy
7. Never let them tame your soul [6] by black_beauty904 [Reviews - 11] (4419 words)
Sorry for the long wait... But there was a terrible accident and life became messy. Trying to get back on track, so please bare with me... & here is chapter 6 of Avoiding the Storm
Hope you enjoy
8. Darkness, take me please[7] by black_beauty904 [Reviews - 24] (2809 words)
Here is chapter 7 of Avoiding the Storm. I know I said "I would post the rest before 2016" but life gets in the way. However, I will try my hardest to post on time and to also post for "Drunken Love". Hope you enjoy and leave feedback, it's always welcomed!