Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter 3
The Party
When Angel and Brittany made their way inside of the venue, Angel was so shocked at how crowded the place was, she didn't stand out too much. She was worried that her asking complexion would be an issue but she became more at ease once she saw so many different people in the building. However, she also noticed the hungry looks men gave Brittany, she would have to keep her eyes on her best friend.
"This place is crazy", Angel said as she and Brittany made their way to the bar.
"Yes, here I brought you these in case you don't like the loudness", Brittany pulled out a pair of hot pink foam earbuds from her small clutch, she didn't know if Angel's little angelic ears could tolerate the heavy rock music.
‘Britt, thank you", Angel placed her hand over her heart as she took the earphones out of Brittany's hand.
"I know you may not like this kind of music but then again you may shock me, I'm so glad you came out", Brittany yelled over the music, the band was not playing yet however there was a band on stage playing. The two got their drinks and decided to get lost in the crowd who were bobbing to the beat.
"Fuck yeah", Brittany said as she fist pumped into the air getting unto the current act on stage.
"Hey I need to go to the ladies room okay", Angel yelled to her friend
"I'm coming with you okay", Brittany grabbed her friends small clear cup from her hands, Angel had yet to sip the alcohol beverage. As they made their way to the ladies' room, they noticed a short line forming. Angel tried to remain patient and regretted not using the bathroom so there she was shaking her hips side to side as if dancing.
"This cannot be, I wonder why the upstairs is closed off, I know for sure bathrooms and club space is up there", Brittany noticed a huge bald bounder standing in front of the staircase that led to the upstairs of the clubs. She decided she was going to flirt her way up the stairs so her girl could use the bathroom.
"What are you doing, I have to pee", Angel glared as Brittany managed to grab her arms and drag her away from the long line of ladies waiting on the bathroom.
"I'm trying to get you to the bathroom", Brittany had tossed the drinks in the nearest trash can before she made her way to the giant in all black, he smirked when he saw the two ladies making their way to him he had been here since opening and they weren't the first women trying to see the leading act.
"Sorry ladies no one allowed upstairs", the bouncer smirked down at the two women, he noticed the black girl with the long curly hair doing a small "bathroom" dance act but he knew all the plays these women tried to do to go upstairs hoping that the band 'Fyilth' would be up there ready and willing. He had gotten a message from Jimmy to find the most beautiful women for his boys. These two would be given a tap on the shoulder but first he had to make sure they were of age, the blonde looked older but the curly-haired beauty had such a baby doll face.
"My friend has to go to the bathroom and I would so appreciate it if you can just allow us upstairs. It will be our little secret, I don't tell", Angel rolled her eyes at Brittany as she flirted with the bouncer.
"Sorry darling but a man's got to follow the rules. By the way how old are you two", The bouncer asked as he looked over the smaller one who hugged her dark denim jacket closed tight as she folded her arms, her little dance all forgotten.
"I'm 25 and she's", Brittany was cut off by Angel.
"She doesn't tell you anything", Angel glared at the bouncer, and she wasn't sure what his game was.
"She is 24", Brittany kept her eyes on the bouncer.
"I can't make no guarantee but I can get you two backstage passes but of course I need to see some ID", Angel scoffed and rolled her eyes at his statement.
"We have the proof, I'm not that kind of woman to lie about that", Brittany said.
"Great the line is fucking longer now", Angel whispered loud enough for the bouncer to hear, she has to use the bathroom and Brittany just may have caused them a longer wait in line.
"I tell you what, I'll let your friend up there alone. Bathrooms down the hall of the dance floor. If you're uncomfortable I'll come to get you myself. Can't have both of you up there, wouldn't want to get into no trouble"
"Okay, you'll be okay", Brittany asked Angel who's brown eyes sparkled in excitement.
"I'll be quick, thank you Mr. just when I thought to give you a piece of my mind", Angel made a step to the steps as the bouncer moved aside to allow her through, he was looking making sure no one had seen her step behind him.
"I'll be right here Angel Marie if you aren't down here in five minutes I'm going to push his ass aside myself, I will call you too", Brittany had to use her middle name much to Angel's embarrassment.
"I'll be quick geesh mom", Angel shook her head but headed up the narrow staircase that was lit in red. She made her way to the empty top floor and became intimidated by the large empty room and high glass ceilings. The black crystal walls glistened due to the bright lights of the chandlers, this was a nice club that's for sure. She hadn't even noticed someone sitting at the empty bar on a bar stool, his back was to her but Angel saw the muscles, the long arms, and the tattoos that covered them. His black hair was pulled in a low back ponytail, he wore a white muscle shirt, and she didn't realize she gasped until he turned to face her. Not expecting anyone, he held the cigarette in midair as he blew out a cloud of smoke. Angel just felt her feet slowly moving towards him.
"Sorry, I was just looking for the bathroom", she didn't know why she felt hot all of a sudden, his grey eyes, they cut like steel at her, he looked as if he were angry at her. He has pale white skin, jet black hair, his nose was slightly crooked and he had a chiseled jaw but his eyes were hardened as he looked at her.
"Fuck is this some kind of joke. Who sent you up here", his voice deep and low, his words were like ice and Angel had to take a step back, he frightened her.
Angel felt her breath leave her, she didn't know why her feelings became hurt. She was on her way to the bathroom and here he was barking at her. She never had someone look at her like this, as if he is disgusted by her. She started to feel self-conscious, her dress was too tight and too short.
"I'm just looking for the bathroom, do you know where it is", why couldn't she remember where the bouncer told her the bathroom is.
"Do I look like I fucking know", he took his eyes off her and continued to smoke. Angel quickly walked towards the end of the floor to a narrow hallway, finding the ladies' bathroom she quickly got inside and closed the door bracing her back against the door as if it would hold her up. Her knees felt shaky, her breathing became harsh and she couldn't understand why. That stranger had managed to make her feel so small in that short amount of time.
"What is wrong with me", Angel walked to the bathroom mirror and tried to point out imperfections about her facial features, and just as quickly as she thought of those imperfections she shook her head as she took off the denim jacket to use the bathroom. Once she finished she shook her head at the vibration coming from her small cross body black purse.
"What the hell is taking you so long", Brittany's voice could be heard blasting through Angel's cell phone.
"I'll be there in a sec, sorry I was putting water in my hair to revive it", Angel lied as she stared at her reflection.
"Oh, okay well hurry up Fylth is up next", Brittany seemed to calm down at that. Angel hung up the phone quickly stuffing it in her purse and made her way out the bathroom, to her relief the mysterious jerk was gone.
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