Story Notes:
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
1. Chapter 1 by Candace [Reviews - 35] 

(739 words)
2. Chapter 2 by Candace [Reviews - 4] 

(2054 words)
3. Chapter 3 by Candace [Reviews - 4] 

(2445 words)
4. Chapter 4 by Candace [Reviews - 9] 

(1637 words)
5. Chapter 5 by Candace [Reviews - 7] 

(2858 words)
6. Chapter 6 by Candace [Reviews - 5] 

(1558 words)
7. Chapter 7 by Candace [Reviews - 13] 

(3049 words)
A/N: Sorry for the delay! My computer was waylaid for a few week. Here is Chapter 7 and Wickham! Enjoy!
8. Chapter 8 by Candace [Reviews - 17] 

(3149 words)
Let the lies begin!
9. Chapter 9 by Candace [Reviews - 2] 

(2558 words)
A/N: Here is Chapter 9, just a little later than promised. I apologize for any typos and errors. This chapter is more of a bridge, but it should provide a few explanations. Enjoy!
10. Chapter 10 by Candace [Reviews - 4] 

(3387 words)
11. Chapter 11 by Candace [Reviews - 4] 

(3557 words)
Sorry for the delay! My computer died and my muse along with it. I hope you enjoy this one!
12. Chapter 12 by Candace [Reviews - 7] 

(4488 words)
A/N: So, here is chapter 12, finally! Enjoy!!
13. Chapter 13 by Candace [Reviews - 3] 

(2481 words)
A/N: Special thanks again to Teresa AF for allowing me to play with Selkek. I have made him a bit more expressive than he is in So Pleasing a Thing. The poo doesn't quite hit the fan in this chapter, but I promise that things will come to a head in chapter 14. Thanks again to all of my readers and those who take the time to comment. I love comments! They are fanfic writer's only payment, afterall. Enjoy!
14. Chapter 14 by Candace [Reviews - 6] 

(3127 words)
A/N: No. Your eyes are not deceiving you. This is a new chapter of Pride in Logic in under two days! Woot! In this chapter the guano hits the fan. Enjoy! I hope to have an update in a few weeks, but no promises. I've surprised my damn self with this fast update.
15. Chapter 15 by Candace [Reviews - 5] 

(5638 words)
Title: Pride and Logic
Author: Yalegirl03
Beta: Julia R
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: S/U
Canon: Reboot; Star Trex XI
Warnings: None
Author's Note: Here is chapter 15, not quite hot off of the presses. I hope you enjoy my version of the famous letter scene.
16. Chapter 16 by Candace [Reviews - 5] 

(3467 words)
17. Chapter 17 by Candace [Reviews - 4] 

(4035 words)
18. Chapter 18 by Candace [Reviews - 5] 

(3085 words)
Thanks to my beta Julia R! Also, I found this lovely review of Pride and Logic on youtube from one of my Valent Chamber readers. I was tickled pink to find it! You can watch it
here. Only 4 chapters to go!
19. Chapter 19 by Candace [Reviews - 5] 

(4549 words)
20. Chapter 20 by Candace [Reviews - 11] 

(2011 words)
21. Chapter 21 by Candace [Reviews - 2] 

(5203 words)
Sorry for the long wait on this one. I hope the length of this chapter makes up for it. Thanks to my Aussie beta Julia R and to Theresa F for letting me play with Selkek one last time. Enjoy! Three more chapters to go!
22. Chapter 22 by Candace [Reviews - 5] 

(3224 words)
23. Chapter 23 by Candace [Reviews - 4] 

(3129 words)
Sorry for the long delay! Happy Valentine's Day!
24. Chapter 24 by Candace [Reviews - 5] 

(3798 words)
25. Chapter 25 by Candace [Reviews - 12] 

(4037 words)
A/N: It has been a while since I posted. This chapter was not hard to write, but it was hard to finalize. It was hard deciding on a version of events, so I wrote multiple ones. I hope this doesn't disappoint. This story is not archived here, so if you want to read previous chapters, message me or comment with your email and I'll send you links to other sites where you can read it. In February we left off with Uhura still captured by Sybok trying to out run a bunch of Orion slavers on an cold uninhabited moon. Spock, Shuran and Kirk are in hot pursuit, but Spock is finding it harder and harder to keep it together. Thanks to my patient beta, Julia R!
26. Chapter 26 by Candace [Reviews - 2] 

(4225 words)
Sorry for the long delay! Writer's block and several family emergencies got in the way. I hope you enjoy this chapter. We are finally off the cliff! Thanks for reading and commenting!
27. Chapter 27 by Candace [Reviews - 3] 

(4496 words)
28. Chapter 28 by Candace [Reviews - 4] 

(3134 words)
29. Chapter 29 by Candace [Reviews - 5] 

(5003 words)
30. Chapter 30 by Candace [Reviews - 6] 

(3152 words)