Penname: Missus James [Contact]

Real name: Jhordan

Member Since: August 24 2010

Membership status: Administrator


"Writing is a struggle against silence." - Carlos Fuentes

I am a twenty-something-year-old Floridian in the education field. I am a hobby photographer, graphic designer, and writer. I love to read books, fanfiction, and orginial fiction. My collection mostly consists of romance, drama, angst, dark, supernatural, and interracial books in which those genres reflect in my stories.

12/27/20 Update:

After much thought and consideration, I think I will be removing some stories from here. These stories have shaped me into the writer I am, but as I continue to grow and learn things about myself and my craft, I need to become more selective of where I store my energies. Unscripted is 6 chapters away from completion so I'll keep it. I really want to complete Save Me From Myself. It's only 1-2 chapters away from completion. But I will most likely remove These Violent Delights and Sugar Daddy.

Thank you for your understanding and your patience. 

10/31/2022 Update:

I've removed Unscripted and I'll be updating it on Kindle Vella. If you're interested in seeing Nick and Tally's story to the end, you can visit here:!


12/10/2024 Update:

UNSCRIPTED and SUGAR MAMA can now be found on my author website:


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Challenges by Missus James

Chains and Whips banner

Fantasies are ghosts that lurk in the darkest corners of our minds. Visiting the world of BDSM allows us to face them (whether we like it or not). Who hasn't had at least one fantasy of being dominated, blindfolded, handcuffed, and spanked? For this challenge, create a story that centers around a character entering the dark world of BDSM and the kinky experiences along their journey. Maybe beneath the leather, chains, and whips, love can be found.

Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None

bottom bitches banner

Bitch. Such a powerful word. It can be a compliment or an insult. A title of honor or a badge of shame. There are two types of men in this world: those were born to dominate and those who were born to please. You always read about those dominant men who know what they want, but what about those men who aim to please … or are forced to? Every woman in charge needs a bottom bitch to kiss her ass and fuck it when she demands it. For this challenge, write a story about a dominant woman and her willing (or unwilling) man who earns the title as her bottom bitch

Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None

Men. We love them. We hate them. And sometimes, we experience the fine line between love and hate when it comes to dealing with them. But have you ever wondered what is going on through a man’s mind? What the world is like behind his eyes? What makes his heart race? What makes his blood boil? What makes his eyes darken with desire? In this challenge, you must write an original fiction story entirely in a male POV to find out exactly that. Step into your lead male character’s head and explore the world inside of it. The rule is you can have as many female characters as you want, but no female POV allowed! 

Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.