Penname: JLeshay [Contact]

Real name: Jamaica

Member Since: December 20 2010

Membership status: Member



Sorry ladies for the delay in updating. Here's what's been going on with me, I've been  swamped with work (all night long) and school (have to take classes online now because of working all night long) so I'm not able to update my stories like I want to. On the plus side I have been working on some new titles that I'm hoping to publish in the near future. As a result Cloud Nine will be pulled so I can finish it, polish it, and get it published. Thank you for your patience and take care chamber family


I'm back :)

Okay, so my laptop is fixed and is running better than ever. I do plan on publishing my work, but these stories are written just for fun and for your entertainment. Sooo, I will be back with new material so stay tuned.


Wow, it's been a while since my cousin logged into this site, and I know she left a lot of you hanging by not finishing her stories. She always struggled with her mental health, writing was therepuetic for her, but sadly her mental health took a turn for the worse and she is no longer with us. I don't know what made me remember this site, but I was thinking about her lately and how happy she was with all the love her stories were shown on this site, so in honor of her, I decided to revive her profile. Her old stories are staying up. I can't finish them but will bringing my own work for you all to enjoy. 

Yahoo IM: fellascomcme
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