Penname: black_beauty904 [Contact]

Real name: Danielle

Member Since: March 03 2015

Membership status: Member


"To write means more than putting pretty words on a page; The act of writing is to share part of your soul to the world"

My life is not a fairy tale; therefore I write too vent.

In all honesty, I'm not the best writer nor do I claim the title. It's never a grantee that ALL of my stories will have a "happy ending" (the princess and her knight), and some stories might seem "dark" (real life siturions which includes rape, abuse, etc.). 

Another thing, my stories heroin might be (90% of the time) plus size, bbw, curvy, thick, etc. It's NOT because I have anything against petite people, I just know the struggle of dealing with negative perspectives on the "average" woman. 

I'm also debating on making 'Avoiding the Storm' a series (Nelly's and Conrad Story) but I will let the readers decide. To contribute your opinion/POV then comment!

Lastly, I was on Lit a couple years back but the submission process was tedious, long, & frustrating. Therefore, there is a high possibility that I will no longer post on Lit. You can find my current and old stories on The Valent Chamber and Shades of the Muse.

Thank you,


P.S. I am in need of a beta-reader!

Yahoo IM: sweetd2058
Beta-reader: No

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