Penname: katherinemadison [Contact]

Real name: Katherine

Member Since: September 23 2010

Membership status: Member


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Reviews by katherinemadison

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 115]
Summary:  banner

In the left corner is Tanya Rodriguez, a woman that has it all. A great business, the best friend in the world and a mother and father who love their baby girl. But the one thing she's always wanted but never had is love. True love.

In the right corner is Jaycee Cristoforo. He's at the top of his profession as a sports entertainer. He's sexy and with millions of adoring female fans Jaycee knows he can have nearly any woman in the world but feels he is still missing something.

When these two meet will they find what they are looking for?

All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: Cannon
Genre: Erotica, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Extreme Language, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Strong Sexual Content , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 13
Word count: 47718
Read Count: 19347
Published: February 09 2011
Updated: January 01 2013

Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I think I got Jaycee and Tony mixed up, guess I'm not seeing right today. Anyway, you know who I was talking about. Jacyee rules! LOL 

Author's Response: lol yes he does rule big time got to love that sexy man. thank you for the review.

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed
Date: February 09 2011

Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Okay, I'm very excited about this story. I love the way it starts off. Tanya felt like a real character I can relate to. She struggled with her weight and finally decided to do something about it, plus she worked hard and opened her own fitness center. Too many people just give up. 

I love the way the characters look from the pics.  

Tony sounds like a dream. When Tanya caught his attention outside the ring, the moment was too cute. Complete infatuation makes a story exciting and she has no clue the man's already in love. Can't wait until she meets him! LOL  

So love the setting, she being a fitness guru and he being a wrestler, haven't read too many stories like that.

Keep writing!  

Author's Response: Thank you girl for a wonderful review. Yes i wanted to make tanya real so not only you reviews can relate to her but i know how tanya feel having being big once myself and lost alot weight. Glad you like the cast pic girl it was hell trying to find the right ones and then put them her on the site lol. thanks a million for the review means alot to me.

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed
Date: February 09 2011

Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Nothing like that first moment of infatuation, gotta love it! Wow, Tanya and Trina get to go backstage and see all of those muscle bound wrestlers, especially John, *coughs* I mean Jaycee. LOL

Oh boy, I don't like this Coco person. I already see her trying to screw up what could be a very passionate romantic interlude with Tanya and Jaycee, but the catty dialogue between them was rather funny.  I was expecting someone to start showing their claws during the short meeting, but so glad they didn't start fighting. How would that look to Jaycee, oh wait, he'd probably get even more turned on to see Tanya beating up Coco. LOL

Very funny line...

"We try our best to make sure you leave with a smile on your face." Jaycee replied staring down at Tanya and giving her a wink.

 Tanya blushed; she couldn't believe that he was hitting on her. But he probably said that to all the girls. "I bet you do Jaycee, for about five seconds." Tanya said to him in a smart way before turning to Tony.

Oh my god. LOL I can't believe she said that to him their first time meeting. I burst out laughing after reading this. Jaycee better watch out, seems like he's going to be in for it with Tanya.

Am I wrong or was Trina eyeing Jaycee instead of Tony? Gosh, I hope not. I was hoping she'd be looking at Tony since it's clear that Jaycee is only interested in Tanya. Those two seem like such good friends so I hope this doesn't come between them.

Love the scene with Tony and the hostess. LOL

Coco appears way too soon for me. I knew that heifer would show up at some point and she started acting just as I expected.

Tanya needs to lighten up a little bit. She knows she likes Jaycee and she should at least be a little more upfront about it. I know she's feeling a little insecure about herself which is rather interesting. Even though she's lost the weight, she still hasn't built up her confidence in men. She cut him off rather coldly in the end.

Jaycee needs to stop giving Tanya so many lines and just be honest. I don't blame Tanya for not truly believing him since he's coming off as a playa with those lines. However, his interest in her is rather sweet and he seems to start acting like his true self towards the end.

I hope Tony gets over his arrogance soon, it's not sexy on him if he doesn't know how to carry it in a positive way.

Don't really know what Trina is up to right now. I'll have to read more about her because she was eyeing Jaycee, but she seemed to be interested in Tony after talking to him.

Good chapter girl. Can't wait to see how things take off between my favorite couples, especially when Jaycee meets Tanya at T World. That's going to be very interesting! 


Author's Response:

Wow you are right you did leave a long review lol.  Yeah the line jay was throwing at tayna was just plain crazy he use to women fall all over him and tayna not the other women from his past.  Trina was eyeing jay but stop after she got to know Tony a little and that her friend like Jay lol. Yeah Tony is to arrogance but I have feeling Trina is going to bring his arrongance down big time lol.

Glad you like the chapter and yest it going to be very intersting when Jay see Tanya at T world. Thank you for the review.

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: March 04 2011

Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Oh you are so very wrong leaving it at that. Did I tell you how wrong you are? Now I will be sweating bullets and gnawing on my nails wondering what her answer will be.

Will she let him down because she's so vulernable from the incident with Coco in the past? Or will she decided to give him a chance and throw caution to the wind. I don't know! Gah! You better be glad we're friends...LOL 

Cute scenes:

1. Tanya acting weird over the oatmeal and Trina saying she's not going to slap the hell out of her because they are friends.

2. When Tanya and Jay bump into each other, but neither of them notice who they are.  

 Great chapter girl! 

Author's Response: Yeah glad we are friends because don't want you to hurt me for leaving you on the edge lol. Yeah Tanya got a choice go out to dinner with Mr.Sexy ass hell who have a body you have very naughty dreams about or let the pass stop her for taking a chance on a nice guy? mmmmmmmm glad you like the story and thanks for the review.

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: March 20 2011

Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Jay has a very colorful family indeed. Can't believe his Nana stole his car. Lol hilarious.

Tanya and Jay are the perfect couple. They are just so cute together, but I'm sure there will be drama soon. All relationships go through it.

Author's Response:

Yeah  Jay  nana is a trip  lol but you got to love the bond he has with her.  Yeah Tanya and Jay are perfect together but like you said drama will happen in their lives. Thank you for the review.

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed
Date: April 30 2011

Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Oh my gosh, I knew it was coming but it caught me off guard. Jay and Tanya finally got together and they're so sweet together! For a moment, I had to do a double take when I saw three months later. LOL! Another great chapter. I loved seeing them spend time together. 

Author's Response:

lol yeah these two are together finaly lol.  Glad you like it and thank you for the review.

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed
Date: April 15 2011

Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Wow, this has to be one of my favorite chapters it had everything I liked in it - the zoo, cupcakes, my favorite nana bowling LOL, a limousine!

Jay was lusting after Tanya throughout the entire chapter to the point where I was like damn man, just rip her clothes off and take her already!

Okay some things stood out that I found very funny. Like, when a man thinks you're sexy while eating a bowl of cereal...he's really got it bad for you because no one can eat a bowl of cereal with grace, all that crunching and milk dripping down from your chin LOL Then again...maybe that's a turn on who knows! 

Oh and when Jay told Tanya I don't care if you have a wart on your back you're still beautiful to me...Ewww! But at least he got his point across. HAHA!

The sex scene was hot! Jay knows how to satisfy a woman and Tanya defintely knows how to satisfy her man and knock his socks off, by taking over. LOL 

Great chapter girl!



Author's Response:

Glad you like the chapter and you thought the ceral part was funny lol. I was thinking the same thing if this man just don't rip the girl clothes off before i turn 90 lol.  You know me girl I always say it be fun every now and then a woman take control over a man in the bed room lol. Love the review girl and thank for the update.

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: May 26 2011

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 276]

The Demon Seed

Babies should be a blessing. But not all of them are.

Kickass banner by Missus James


Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Horror
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: BDSM, Character Death, Dark Fic, Dubcon, Extreme Language, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Challenges: Spring Baby-Fic Challenge
Series: None
Chapters: 10
Word count: 28219
Read Count: 50692
Published: March 29 2011
Updated: September 04 2013

Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 6

I really enjoy reading this story. This chapter had quite a few twists in it. I had no idea nick was THAT powerful and the way he became so powerful was very interesting.

Poor Charly it must be driving her crazy to be afraid of a monster that rocks her world. LOL

I knew one of her friends if not all of them had to be working for Nick.

Great chapter can't wait to see how things end.

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: May 21 2011

Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 4

Oh gosh, Ana, is just looking for trouble. Can't wait to see this. As for Charly, I feel kind of bad for her. How freaky is it to find out you're three months pregnant in such a short amount of time? Hope she figures it out soon who's responsible for it. 

Great chapter!

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed
Date: April 17 2011

Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 3

I am so loving this story. LOL Good work girl. I love the way Laz and Nic are working together to look after Charly and I love the whole supernatural feel to it. I am a sucker for supernatural stories. 

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed
Date: April 17 2011

Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Like...whoa...that's all I got to say. 

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed
Date: April 17 2011

Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Oh great, just what we need, a handsome, sexy, devil of a guy to sweep our herorine off her feet at her most vulnerable time.  Hmm indeed. LOL 

Love it!

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed
Date: April 17 2011

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 335]


You have had life mapped out at a young age. Get into a performance arts college. Own your own dance studio and stay away from boys.... But what happens when you meet the love of your life?  Then come to find out he has a girlfriend? But, he has eyes for only you...


Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Friendship, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 30
Word count: 181242
Read Count: 80298
Published: April 05 2011
Updated: December 24 2017

Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Feeling You

I am so glad I saw this story, I've been away for awhile and just started catching up again on my reading and writing, this is an ultra cute story. I love the main character's sense of humor! 

The slap in the face hair style had me cracking up, haven't heard a hair style described quite like that one before, but you're right, white boys hair do look like that lately. LOL 

Just love the way Justin is just so mesmerized by Jalena. She's already got him hooked, now that that's what I'm talking about! 

Looking forward to reading and reviewing the rest of the chapters!

Author's Response:

Well thank you for taking the time to check my story out I'm glad you like it. I hope I continue to hear from you  on the rest of chapters... yes girl the slap in the face is the only way to descripe that hair Thanks again and have a good one.

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed
Date: October 15 2011

Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 270]

 photo efec6f85-8ac5-43a5-9b92-5e61b66f8772_zpsaaf14d2e.jpg" alt="Covefr" />



Having chosen modeling over ministry, Jeremy Ferguson had often felt his father's scorn and disapproval.  Now he was coming home to visit and bringing the love of his life, Aura Vanderleigh who happens to be black.  Growing up in South Carolina, Jeremy knows what his father's reaction will be even if he is a minister!


The Preacher's Son is an original work of fiction. Please do not copy or post this story to any other websites. Copyright 2009 BRAnderson

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: General
Genre: Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Original
Warnings: Racism
Series: None
Chapters: 12
Word count: 2681
Read Count: 129653
Published: July 31 2011
Updated: June 02 2014

Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Facing Family

So excited to see you here! Welcome to The Chamber girl! 

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 01 2011

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 670]




Amaris Manning was a woman that was over six feet tall.  Julian Arrington was just a little over five six.  They were attracted to one another from the beginning, but would it be a good fit?  She was sexually repressed.  He was sexually promiscuous. She was looking for a relationship and he was avoiding one at all costs. She was black and he was white.  They were totally opposite in every way, yet their hearts didn't seem to hear their heads talking!


Good Things in A Small Package is an original work of fiction. Please do not copy or post this story to any other websites. Copyright 2011 BRAnderson

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Drama
Story Status: Muse went on vacation, no idea when it will be back
Pairings: None
Warnings: Strong Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 38
Word count: 169606
Read Count: 140221
Published: August 22 2011
Updated: August 28 2014

Title: Chapter 2: Prologue

Wow, Julian have some very positive and supporting brothers doesn't he? *sarcasm* That's a shame, really...what are they trying to prove, well I know what they are trying to prove, but all they are doing is making themselves look like the jerks they are. Their treatment of him is not very far from bullying.

Julian has a lot of anguish inside of him after going through all the trouble of being mistreated by his family and listening to his mother be accused of cheating and doubting he was related to them at all. Can't say I blame him for the way he reacted at the end, but I was proud of him for being the bigger man and doing what was right. 

Damn, Amaris at the age of 14 got her very first lesson about sex in the most offending manner. That's just sick, so sick, but it's sad because things happen like that every day in real life. Women bring so many different men around their daughters, sisters, so forth, that bad things tend to happen. Luckily, it didn't reach the crucial level with Amaris, but it was still bad.

Wow...just wow, this story is just too real. The short conversation Amaris had with her sister Jaylyn managed to wrap an entire generation of ignorant people together in a couple of sentences. Jaylyn is what "the man" wants black people to think about themselves. The typical get pregnant, live off of welfare, keep the blacks where they belong in the projects and teach their kids and younger family to grow up thinking that way is a mentality that seriously pisses me off, mostly because this story is universally realistic.

Those words Jaylyn said were also said to me growing up so I can relate to this on a personal level and like Amaris I wanted better for myself and got it. And how ignorant is it to ask a 14yrs old if she's gay just because she's not running around whoring with every guy that smiles at her?

I love the way you set the prologue up, showing us the reasons why Amaris is reserved when it comes to sex and Julian is so promiscuous.

Beautifully written, well done, and I'm so glad I finally get a chance to read and review your stories. 


Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: November 29 2011

Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 1 The Size of Things

"Hello Amaris" Julian replied. "You may think that I'm just talking out of my ass or something, but I must say you are the most beautiful black woman I've ever laid my eyes on."

Amaris was surprised, but pleased. "Well if you were talking out of your ass, your lips wouldn't be moving." She said laughing.

What a thing to say! LMAO...Lord...I wouldn't know how to reply to that one, either. My mind would have gone blank too. LOL

Julian seems very vindictive about his family now that he's very successful. His personality has seriously changed from the sweet, quiet man he was before. Now he's become a big playa, sleeping with all these women and leaving them afterwards. He better be careful with Amaris. The beautiful amazon may just step on his short self if he pisses her off. HAHA!

And wow the mouth on Tam, someone needs to throw her down and pour hand sanitizer down her throat. She is quite the character. LOL

So it almost seems like love at first sight with Julian and Amaris, although I'm thinking Julian is just seeing Amaris as another conquest I'm sure. He'll realize soon she's not.

Even though they are way beyond their usual standards of what they find attractive, they are no doubt attracted to each other. That's the type of romance I like, the kind you weren't looking for that hits you out of nowhere. Cupid at his best!


Author's Response:

LOL Kat.  I'm glad you're working my stories into your busy schedule.  I had forgotten about that comment.  Yes, Mr. Jules has met his match!  Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed
Date: December 05 2011

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 7]

Sometimes all you can do is jump.



Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Comedy , Drama, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Extreme Language, Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Word count: 1960
Read Count: 1700
Published: May 28 2012
Updated: May 28 2012

Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 1

I love this story already! My type of story! I can relate to him about moving to a place you never been with people you don't know since I did exactly the same thing. LOL 

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed
Date: May 30 2012

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 353]

 photo 4cc1991d-54d2-4547-a99a-7754ca4e0101_zpsecd6736a.jpg

Paris finds herself on a deserted highway out of gas.  Little did she know that her life would be forever changed after that.

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Friendship
Story Status: Completed
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: Lonely Highways, Love In Hard Times
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 558
Read Count: 82589
Published: July 17 2013
Updated: August 27 2013

Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Hmmm so this story is set back in "those" times. I'm interested! Let me hurry up and read the next chapter. Great so far!

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: July 29 2013

Title: Chance Encounter

These chapters are short and sweet and I like it! I know it's a writing prompt, but this is really good! So Bill has helped Paris mother out too on the road, how ironic? And he's younger than Paris? Well I must read more of this... LOL

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: July 29 2013

Title: Chance Encounter

Don't tell him Billy! DON"T DO IT!!

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: July 29 2013

Title: Chance Encounter

Wow...his father said. "She's going along with this madness?" HA! Gotta love the south back in those days...well heck it's kind of the same in the present too...smh

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: July 29 2013

Title: Chance Encounter

Oh my! Go on Billy! I like that he's brave enough to approach her and kiss her despite everything!

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: July 29 2013

Title: Chance Encounter

Okay I was trying not to say anything, but you are KILLING me with these names. Bi Lo Grocery, The Feed and Seed store, and now Big Willie the bouncer from the Hoochie Coochie Club! Falls over laughing! 

No he didn't say black and white wearing black and white! LOL

This boy is passionate that's for sure though. LOL

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: July 29 2013

Rated: All Ages
[Reviews - 19]

So I decided to try this writing prompt because I had nothing better to do and someone keeps pushing me into writing more. I will not say her name...cough...cough...(Missus James), but I am usually the one that reads and reviews because who doesn't like to read and leave their ramblings. Si here I go....

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: General
Genre: None
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Character Death
Challenges: Lonely Highways
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Word count: 1250
Read Count: 5746
Published: July 22 2013
Updated: July 30 2013

Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Umm...why the heck did you leave us hanging like that? Who was in that car? Girl, you are worse than me with the cliffers. LOL And that's kind of scary to be on a deserted road with a broken down car and no communication! Yikes! This story can go in so many directions. 

Let's see if she's going to see her mother and to a town she hasn't been to in a while it has to be someone she knows. Hopefully a fine, sexy man who will rescue her that she's had a crush on back in the day. Just saying...hehe 

Don't you hate it when people try to write the rest of your story for you?

Why do I keep thinking of The Little Mermaid everytime I see her name? :)

Great start so far! Are you going to continue it? I'm just so excited you finally wrote a story!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading!!! I figured I better put my creative juices to good work, since I am always reading and reviewing, why not do some writing. Glad you liked the story and there is more to come. Hopefully, I will be able to answer all your questions.

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: July 30 2013

Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Very intriguing! I like this chapter, reading it was just like watching it on tv, especially with the flashback. Now what did he have in his hand that caused her to faint? And why was she so surprised to see him again? Was he supposed to be dead? Had he moved and was never to come back? 

And how did I know you would write a guy with blue eyes? hehe 

By the way, you wrong for that comment in your A/N LOL

Author's Response:

You hate it when I am in your brain, so now you are in mine. Hmmm, what will happen next?? If the muse only knew how to stay focused. Lol I'm thinking you might get some of your questions answered. Stay tune!!!

Reviewer: katherinemadison Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: July 31 2013

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.