Penname: CapitalPeach [Contact]

Real name: Shayna

Member Since: January 05 2009

Membership status: Member


I'm a political junkie turned journalist.  Originally from the great city of Mobile, AL.  A place filled with culture, but a little too laid back for my taste.  I'm a big-city girl at heart, that's why I moved to the capital city of Washington, DC. 

However recent job opportunities have landed me out West in the awesome city of Las Vegas.

I love multi-cultural, paranormal, sci-fi fiction.  I try to read at least two books a week.  I'm a huge fan of horror movies, especially the cheesy slasher flicks.  They're just so darn funny.  For some reason, I know random tid bits of information on every subject. And there's a reason why Trivial Pursuit is my favorite game.

All in all, I'm a reading nerd, but that's cool because I like it!!


Beta-reader: Yes

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