Summary: Kyra is a 32 year old summa cum lade graduate of Shaw University where she recieved her bacherlors in Accounting. She then went to UNC Chapel hill where she earned her Masters degress. Her skills landed her a career working for the state of NC in the OSBM. When Kyra meet Mike he was a dream come true for her. He helped her at a time in life when she needed it. While recent events have changed Mike Kyra can't leave him and believes she can save him from his self. While Kyra believes she can help Mike, she soon finds out that she is the one that needs help after one afternoon Lunch with her boyfriend reveals "What's done in the dark will eventually come to light.
Mike is a 37 year old ex army captain who is currently a police officer in Raleigh NC. Mike has never been good at handling his feelings and has recently been working with his psychiatrics to curb his anger management. Mike will soon learn that he will need every skill he has to save Kyra from herself.
Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: SupernaturalGenre: Action-Adventure ,
Science Fiction ,
Suspense Story Status: ActivePairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations,
Character Death,
Drugs/Drug Use,
Extreme Language,
Graphic Violence,
Original Characters,
Sexual Content ,
Strong Sexual Content ,
Un-betaed ,
Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Word count: 3540
Read Count: 764
Published: January 22 2019
Updated: January 23 2019