I have read and re-read (and re-read) most of your stories but never got around to reading this one until this weekend. I have no words. This story is phenomenal! I love how the twists are revealed, and the audience participation angle created such dynamic plotlines. I know it's been years but if you ever decide to come back to this story, you have a loyal reader right here. To answer your question above, I would love to see what you had in mind for Tam and this Aaron storyline (especially since he has a girl at home- would Daddy approve??). Joelle, the talent you possess is undeniable
Reviewer: GeenBean Signed [Report This]Date: August 21 2024 06:08 am
I'd literally pay you to update this story! It's so good, please don't forget about it.
Reviewer: M3l4n1_C4rt3r Signed [Report This]Date: August 23 2022 12:29 am
Man I miss this story...
Author's Response:
Me too. It's on my short list of "complete at all costs" stories and next on the list for completion (as of right now). I've got some more twists and turns I think you're really gonna enjoy : )
Thanks GreenRoots!
Reviewer: GreenRoots Signed [Report This]Date: February 01 2016 06:07 pm
You must not...I repeat, MUST NOT, take this story down without finishing it! It is BEYOND brilliant! Please come back to this! This plot twist was so genius and for it to end here...torture woman, absolute torture!
Author's Response:
Lol. Sorry to leave you hanging there. I got stuck early in the next chapter and haven't had a chance to double back and get "unstuck." But I will...eventually. I'll leave the story up for now and go back to it when LG&N is done (and maybe Give Chase). Thanks for the fab review, GreenRoots!
Reviewer: GreenRoots Signed [Report This]Date: August 16 2015 07:47 am
Ahhh...the best story of forbidden love I have had the pleasure to read...it's all because your talent is so amazing..I love how you bring Carter (Mikhail) and Tamryn to life...so beautiful in the midst of so much ugly...I know you haven't updated in a while and I love your newest story but I hope your muse returns for this one at some point...you are brilliant
Author's Response:
Wow. Thanks for the amazing review! You've made my week with this : )
I hope to get back to this story soon, but won't post until it's complete. There's so much going on with the plot and subplots that I want to be able to update frequently (as I edit) so that readers don't have to do a lot of re-reading to make sense of it all. I don't know how long that'll take, but I definitely plan to finish this one.
Thanks again for the wonderful compliment, Jahchannah, and for your interest!
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed [Report This]Date: July 05 2015 03:42 pm
(a) because I like having a minuscule say in what could possibly happen next or (d) because you're a talented writer when unleashed so I know the story will be even more phenomenal than it is now.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the fabulous compliment and vote of confidence! Even if (d) wins out, I will invite readers to give their opinions and voice their preferences as to how they want the story to go. I actually really enjoy writing by vote and only offered option (d) as voting started to decrease and I assumed people were losing interest in voting and just wanted to read (or maybe losing interest in the story itself). At any rate, feel free to comment and make your requests known at any time. And thanks for reading and reviewing, Annienathanson!
Reviewer: Annienathanson Anonymous [Report This]Date: February 03 2015 09:15 pm
fuck.me - that was intense...! i thought for sure my heart was ready to give out and then you threw a delicious twist at the end!
this is why i'm paranoid, JJ, loool! XD and tend to overanaylse things, like the fact that Carter skipped protection this time so Tamryn is going to be late in more ways then one, looool!! or am i wrong? XD
about Dardan and Mikhail, okay then i know. yea. that could turn into something interesting - and it doesnt necessary have to be good blood between them
lastly i think - i dont know. i really like doing (a) and (b) but in the same time i would love to see you do (d) and watch you go wild soo i vote on all three.
so to answer you question about i want to see - i guess i'm curious to know what saw Gunner in a previous ch? and my shower scene - no. ijk. well not rellay =P hahahaha!
take care, JJ! thanks for the double update! wow!
Author's Response:
I'm really feeling Dardan myself. He feels like a character I could really sink my teeth into. Whether that's in this story or another, you'll definitely see more of him. And with the hit out on Shauna, you know he'll be making another appearance in this tale, and he and Carter just might cross paths.
What Gunner saw in the previoius chapter was Aaron at Tamryn's house. Full details on how that tidbit made it back to Larry next chapter. And perhaps a shower scene ; )
Your paranoia is always warranted, especially in this story. As for the whole "I'm gonna be late" line, all I'll say is good eye...
Thanks for reading and reviewing, Yuukiyanagi!!! And for your vote...all three of them. Lol!
Reviewer: Yuukiyanagi Signed [Report This]Date: February 03 2015 10:14 am
I had a feeling that her father wasn't referring to Carter as the one she was involved with. I wonder how he found out about Aaron, and if he's aware of the deal she has with the Feds ? Hmmmm .....
Author's Response:
Larry doesn't know about Tam's deal with the feds (yet...). A full explanation of how he found out about Aaron will be included in the next chapter. Thanks for reading and reviewing, Musicluva!
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed [Report This]Date: February 02 2015 02:46 pm
I honestly hope the dad doesnt try to kill carter... I really see a little bit of hope in him accepting it. I think he loves Tammy enough to allow her that happiness. but then again... her mum did say to her to end it or else her father would end carter's life which is sooooo sad and heart breaking. I can see tam leaving carter just to save his life, but i highly doubt carter would ever allow her to.
Shauna ... needs to go. I hate that she's still in the picture. She is the devil and she has no problem in showing it.
Carterrrrrrr oh how i love you! he has now basically told her he isnt letting her go even if it means fighting against her dad! i can imagine him breaking down at the thought of her leaving him. I think he is much more dangerous than he puts out to be. I really cannot wait to see more of the two of them.
I love how her mum didnt disapprove of it! the only reason she said for them not to stay together was because she knows what her husband (?) is capable of which is so bad. PLEASEEE DONT ALLOW ANYONE TO GET BETWEEN THEM!!
i loveeee it!! so freaken amazing! so so so good xxxx
i predict shauna getting caught out by her dad... or her sister actually standing up for herself. ummmmm i really hope that carter and tam have more scenes togetherxxx
Author's Response:
Larry accepting Carter as Tam's mate is pretty much a no go. Him accepting Aaron was a miracle, and he's not involved in the life. That and Hooks has plans up his sleeve.
Shauna's reign of terror will come to a close. The only question is how and when.
Carter is dangerous and determined to have Tam. But even he has his limits. She just may push him to them with this Aaron situation.
I can't make any promises about people or situations not coming between them, but I can say you haven't seen the last of Carter and Tam together.
Thanks for reading and reviewing, Gordana!
Reviewer: Gordana Signed [Report This]Date: February 02 2015 05:11 am
I vote D because I'm intrigued with what you have. That's a nasty little twist she thought her daddy was talking about Carter when he was talking about Aaron. She needs to tell Carter but how will she gets out of this. Because her sister wants the man she loves even though he doesn't want her. And has put a hit out on both her and him because he chose her over her. But Carter is smart and I wonder how this hit is gonna turn out. So many twists and turns.
Author's Response:
Telling Carter may not be an option. If Tam admits to him or her father the real reason Aaron was at her place, they'll know she's a CI, and that's not something Carter or Larry can accept. Mikhail, on the other hand, would be completely fine with it. But Tam doesn't know Mikhail exists, so...
The outcome of the hits, Carter's and Shauna's, should be very interesting. Stay tuned, and thanks for reading, voting, and reviewing, Kvgurl!
Reviewer: kvgurl Signed [Report This]Date: February 02 2015 12:35 am
it is so hard to hide a love affair. It's something about the way you feel like you're floating on a cloud. Smiling for no reason and not be able to keep your eyes off the person you crushing on that gives you away They better stay away from each other around Larry. He wants to kill people. Poor Aaron. His snooping around Tam's house almost got him killed. I know he's has feelings for Tamryn. If he finds out Carter and Tam are seeing each will he get jealous and blow Carer's cover and compromise the sting? Or will he remember he has a fiance and get over it?
Author's Response:
Staying away for each other in front of Larry may not be Tamryn's and Carter's issue. Being together at all, on the other hand...
You asks some very good questions that will become pivotal to the plot. And you'll get answers very soon. Thanks for reading and reviewing, VeMo!
Reviewer: VeMo Anonymous [Report This]Date: February 02 2015 12:02 am
Omg! That was sooo close! I thought he knew about her and Carter/Mikhai! That was very clever! I hope Shauna's downfall will come very very soon. I wonder what will happen with Tamryn when she finds out Carter's true identity...please update soon..
Author's Response:
Yes it was. Shauna's downfall is coming sooner or later. You can only get away with doing that sort of dirt so long. Tamryn's reaction to finding out Carter's true identity ain't gone be pretty. Question is, can they recover from it, or is it too late already? Thanks for reading and revewing. I'll get to work on another update soon.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: February 01 2015 10:44 pm
Author's Response:
Duly noted. Thanks Penelope!
Reviewer: Penelope Signed [Report This]Date: February 01 2015 09:58 pm
I choose D! I want to see what you have up your sleeve. Love your writing so I'm ready for it... Do your thing girlie!
Loved this chapter can't wait for the next update.
Author's Response:
Thanks Jetzero! So glad you're enjoying my little twisted tale.
Reviewer: jetzero Signed [Report This]Date: February 01 2015 07:45 pm
I say do your thing girl!
Author's Response:
Duly noted. Thanks Kimloanies!
Reviewer: kimloanies Signed [Report This]Date: February 01 2015 06:56 pm
It's a "d" for me. I love the way your brain works JJ; noone can do it better justice.
Author's Response:
Aw, thanks AP!!!
Reviewer: AP Signed [Report This]Date: February 01 2015 05:59 pm
(d) You should just go with what you feel, great update!
Author's Response:
Got it! Thanks Lilsunseeker!
Reviewer: lilsunseeker Signed [Report This]Date: February 01 2015 05:33 pm
I really like Carter or whatever his name is :o
Author's Response:
Me too : ) Thanks Lilsunseeker!
Reviewer: lilsunseeker Signed [Report This]Date: February 01 2015 05:11 pm
It would be so ironic if Shauna was taken out by Mia's folks.
Author's Response:
Yes, it would. Thanks BellaChica!
Reviewer: BellaChica Signed [Report This]Date: January 29 2015 08:42 am
Everyone is running they're own games
Author's Response:
Yes, they are. Thanks KeiKei2!
Author's Response:
Yes, they are. Thanks KeiKei2!
Reviewer: keikei2 Signed [Report This]Date: January 29 2015 07:35 am
really he said he'd do her two for a bang & he didn't even get off. Who is Gunner? I know he knows Carter is a beast wonder if he really is going to try & do what he said or tip them off. That would be his safe bet because to do what he said is to sign his funeral service. Because Carter will Kill him before he knows it.
Author's Response:
Gunner is a man whose days are numbered if he's planning to go after Carter. It remains to be seen if he will. He's dangerous in his own right, but no where near as lethal as Carter. Thanks for commenting, Kvgurl!
Reviewer: kvgurl Signed [Report This]Date: January 28 2015 06:33 pm
clever clever clever chapter! one thing that i really liked is that even the supporting characters and their story are just as strong and intriguing as the mains. i think it's super sweet that Carter and Tamryn plan on spending some time in Tamryn's house - it's something both of them have wanted without saying it to each other ;) however - the whole thing feels like a setup from you, lol! that this sweet moment is going to go kaboom in the next update, hahahah! XD
thank you so much for giving us the background story on Mia - her story and disapperance might become one nail in Shauna's coffin.
now Gunner going after Carter *whistles* the man isn't stupid. even he knows that Carter is going to be a tough target. that part is going to be fun, fun - fun...!
i'm curious about one thing. the people Rolly went to see, are they the same people Carter went with Tamryn in a previous ch and the cousin they were referring to is Carter? it felt like it but who knows ;)personally i look forward to see what Dardan brings to the game
thanks for the update! like always - you rock!!
Author's Response:
Oh Yuukiyanagi, you're so paranoid ; ) I would tell you to relax, but you know better than to listen.
I hadn't planned a connection between Mikhail and Dardan, but you never know. With Carter/Mikhail's ties to the underworld, there's a chance the two could know each other or even be related. If you would like to see that, I'm sure I can come up with something.
Thanks for reading and reviewing!!! I really, truly appreciate it.
Reviewer: Yuukiyanagi Signed [Report This]Date: January 28 2015 01:03 pm
Isn't Carter working undercover for the popo? I thought that Aaron was bad guy, now I have to read this story again from the beginning. I feel lost in the story now.
Author's Response:
Yeah, you might wanna go back and reread. At least chapter five. Aaron's not a bad guy--not at this point. But as always with my stories, that could change at any minute. Thanks Pmgayles.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: January 28 2015 04:25 am
Excellent, love that Mia parents are using Larry's money to get back at Shauna. Priceless! !!
Author's Response:
Thanks Lilsunseeker! Glad you liked it.
Reviewer: lilsunseeker Signed [Report This]Date: January 28 2015 03:52 am
Excellent update. I wonder how Tam is going to react when she finds out who Carter really is.
Author's Response:
You know it ain't gone be good. But circumstances might soften the blow. We'll see. Thanks for reading and reviewing, KeiKei!
Reviewer: keikei2 Signed [Report This]Date: January 22 2015 11:43 am