Please keep going I like this
Reviewer: M3l4n1_C4rt3r Signed [Report This]Date: December 03 2014 04:11 am
Please keep going I like this
Reviewer: M3l4n1_C4rt3r Signed [Report This]Date: December 03 2014 04:11 am
Great Job
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed [Report This]Date: December 02 2014 07:57 pm
See the annoying thing about the ex best friend is that she is seriously just a possey and a damn user who only wants to talk to her when she's all good. I dislike her so much and she really irritates me lmao
I really can't wait for them to argue some more, and for them to get more... Heated 😏😉 lol it'll be very interesting to see them grow. I mean come on they had that electric feeeeeellllll when they touched ! And he even felt it! So hopefully it'll progress and THEN I really can't wait to see him all territorial and shit 😍😍😍 hahaha loved it
Reviewer: Gordana Signed [Report This]Date: December 02 2014 02:56 pm
I'm glad you explain that they were in college because it sounded like high school. I never went to college but I did know they did detention. The story is good look forward to reading more.
Reviewer: Black girl Anonymous [Report This]Date: December 02 2014 02:03 pm
Really great concept, will love to see how it progresses.
Callie is really unrelatable. She is incredibly immature for her age and for college. I suppose that makes her human in a way. I think the character development of Darren is cool, maybe explore why he is so feared? Leather Jackets and tattoos are a common occurance at uni's and even the world, so peole won't really be deathly scared of them as they are of Darren.
Overall, a really cool concept.
Reviewer: Ophie Anonymous [Report This]Date: December 02 2014 09:01 am
...Callie is...a lot.
Reviewer: SleepEasy Signed [Report This]Date: December 02 2014 02:11 am
Hahaha..I'm loving the development of this story!
Reviewer: brown_mocha Signed [Report This]Date: December 02 2014 01:08 am
Love where this story is going! Great cast choice for characters as well
Reviewer: naytherocker Signed [Report This]Date: December 02 2014 12:07 am
Why is going to follow them on that date, it is only going to make her look like she likes Darren and is jealous of rhat dumb heifer Natasha. Looking forward to reading more.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 10:57 pm
Are they in college or high school? In college there are deans not principals so whole scene in cafeteria doesn't make any sense if they are in college. College students don't get detentions.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 10:50 pm
I likw Callie, she has hootzpa!! Natasha has alrwady put herself on my list and it was only thw first chapter.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 10:42 pm
What???? She needs to let her ex best friend go. She totally disrespected her friendship with Callie. I would be the grown up and let sleeping dogs lie. Move own and make new friends. That girl does not value her as a friend. She only tried to apologize due to Callie's increase in popularity. Please don't make her that gullible.
Reviewer: SnowFever Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 09:08 pm
If she's in college, why is there a principal and lockers? Or detention for that matter? I do like the concept of the story, though.
Reviewer: Khamalani Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 07:06 pm
Natasha is a user and it would be good to cut her loose early, besides she probably told him what callie had said. Yourstory is very good and makes me not only smile, but lol.
Reviewer: Penelope Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 06:56 pm
I have GOT to know the name of that hot male speciman! Lol. Where did u look him up? Like the story too.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 06:38 pm
Perfect cast!
Reviewer: SleepEasy Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 06:20 pm
Callie is not very likable but hell neither is Darren. Threatening to knock a woman's teeth out over words is really crazy. But so is hating someone you have never meet because of the rumors you've heard. Both seem very ignorant right now.
Reviewer: shellyme Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 06:09 pm
I love the story, but I'm confused as to whether they're in high school or college. I know you said university and scholarship, but they have a principal, teachers, and detention. In the colleges I know they don't have these things. It's sort of like presidents and deans, professors, and expulsion or academic probation (for bad grades). Either setting I think the story is adorable. The main character, Callie, is very judgmental, but I'm sure she'll either come around or have her ass handed to her. Are you going to give character descriptions or can we conjur up our own image for the mains? I'm not sure about this Natalia girl, I feel like anyone who would end a friendship over a crush is ridiculous unless Callie has been belittling Nat for a while, then maybe she's just fed up. Can't wait to see how it plays out!
Reviewer: SleepEasy Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 05:54 pm
Love it, I can't wait to see what happens next.
Reviewer: BreBre Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 04:39 pm
Haha. Good. And the friend is an idiot. Good on Callie!
Reviewer: bookbutterfly Anonymous [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 01:31 pm
THAT GIRL ISNT YOUR BESTFRIEND!! SHE IS A LOSEERRRRR WHO IS OBSESSED WITH A GUY WHO WOULDNT GIVE HER A SECOND GLANCE. I'm already so freaken into this!! Soooo good :D Darren is crazy but in a very hot way. I love how she didn't back down!!! Good girl! I really dislike it when they make the girl so weak and so obedient! This chick is anything but that hahaah I freaken loveeee
Reviewer: Gordana Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 12:25 pm
i like this so far. can't wait to see where this story goes!
Reviewer: jetzero Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 05:49 am
Ok, first, whats up with homegirl BFF Natasha? Even if they diasgreed, why would she react like that? Take a break? And then basically said you're on your own if trouble starts? Just becasue she's crushing on the school bad boy and Callie didn't like him? Something aint right with that picture. Throwing some shade her way for that move!
Now Callie, while Darren has done nothing but add to his rep, she should have kept it together in public better than that. Big ears were all around them. However, she gets props for standing by the sh*t she talked though! And to be fair to her, it was just to her girl. Its not like she was on blast throughout the school with it, or had ever been. But, let that be a lesson; don't ever write a check with your mouth your ass can't cash!
And Darren just basically said he was going to beat up a girl and knock her teeth out so I don't know what there is we are eventually going to like about him. Hmmm...
Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 03:41 am
Me likey!! More please. Was he just trying to scare her?? And why?
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 03:11 am