Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
May 19th 2019
Gianna fastened the pearls around her neck in front of her bathroom mirror when she heard her son come into the bedroom where Dominic was getting dressed.
She got up from her chair and peeked through the bathroom door to watch them
"Dad can you help me knot my tie?"
Dominic looked up from his own tie to see Nicky confused with his; the little boy managed to get three different knots in the tie.
It was finally the big day. Today was Nicky's first communion and they were all getting ready to head over to Saint Mary's for the ceremony and service.
"Okay let's see what you got going on buddy"
Dominic knelt down to Nicky's level and took the tie in his hands.
"I wish I could do it right"
"Hey don't be so hard on yourself; remember it took you a while to learn to tie your shoes"
"Yeah but I'm almost eight years old"
Dominic chuckled at that
"I didn't learn to knot my tie until I was sixteen and I was going on my junior prom"
"What's prom?"
"Nothing you have to worry about for another nine or ten years" Dominic insisted getting Nicky's tie knotted correctly "let's just focus on this first communion"
"Did Grandpa teach you?" Nicky asked innocently
Dominic's smile faded a little but he managed to answer his son honestly
"No, unfortunately Grandpa died before he could but my uncle Frank showed me how"
"Yup" Dominic said proudly "wouldn't know my way around a tie without that man; now let's take a look at you"
Nicky turned around to admire himself in the mirror and he beamed how he looked and Dominic chuckled
"Don't you look handsome for your big day"
"I'm kind of excited but I'm kind of nervous too"
"You'll do fine I promise"
"Let's go!"
"Slow down buddy your mother is still getting ready" Dominic said, "why don't you grab a bowl of cereal?"
Gianna continued to get ready when Dominic came in the bathroom and wrapped his arms around her love handles.
"I'd kiss those lips whether they have lipstick on them or not"
"Dom stop it I'm trying to get myself ready and I want to look my best"
"You always do you know that"
Gianna felt a pang of guilt run down her spine as Dominic rubbed loving circles on her lower belly
"We could be getting ready for another first communion in eight years"
"I know that Nicky will be starting high school within that time frame"
"So that's a definite no?"
"It's definitely something I don't want to discuss right now"
"But you always wanted a little girl---"
"Too bad Nicky wasn't that little girl I'm not getting pregnant again Dominic" Gianna said tightly
"Is there something you want to tell me Gianna?"
Gianna tried walking past Dominic but he took a hold of her arm to which she got annoyed
"Is there something you want to tell me?" Dominic repeated slowly
There was a light knocking on the bedroom door
"Are you guys fighting?"
Guilt fell over the parents as their son asked that question. Nicky didn't deserve to have his parents getting into an argument about their family planning.
"Everything is fine Nicky" Gianna insisted despite the look of annoyance on Dominic's face.
"We're dropping this subject Dom," she said once Nicky was no longer in earshot "I don't want to hear it again; if you want another baby so bad go get a surrogate woman"
Gianna swiftly walked past him and Dominic sighed. There was some tension going on between them ever since the planning of Nicky's first communion was brought up and now the mention of another child set them over the edge.
Dominic knew Gianna was hiding something from him.
Saint Mary's of Immaculate Conception
The minute they entered the cathedral Nicky spotted Patrice Vaughn and her mother Gloria and he beamed with excitement.
"Mom, Dad it's Miss Vaughn she came!" he exclaimed
"Dominic John Jr keep your voice down we're in church now" Gianna scolded him not giving a single fuck about Patrice and was pissed that she even showed up.
"Sorry" Nicky replied honestly "can I go say hello?"
"The ceremony starts soon---"
"Not for another thirty minutes of course you can" Dominic spoke up for his son.
Dominic watched Nicky go over to the pew where Patrice and her mother were and the two women greeted the young boy, hugged him, and wished him luck. Patrice lovingly gave him a kiss on the cheek to which he blushed.
Patrice looked up to give Dominic a friendly wave, which annoyed Gianna.
"Looks like your little assistant came after all you have any plans with her after the ceremony?"
"Gianna seriously?" Dominic replied, "she's here to support Nicky"
"Sure she is"
The rest of the time before the official ceremony the parents were greeting all of the friends and families who came to watch their children take communion at the door.
"Look who we have here on this fine Sunday" a familiar voice sent an angry chill down Dominic's spine "Gallo I haven't seen you in ages"
Salvatore Lombardi. What was this rat bastard doing here anyway?
"Lombardi" Dominic acknowledged stiffly
"Gallo you and your wife look great" he replied and gave Gianna a kiss on the cheek much to Dominic's annoyance "your boy getting his first communion already?"
"Yes" Gianna replied bubbly "he'll be eight years old in July"
"Time sure does fly" Salvatore said adjusting his tie "it seems like yesterday it you and me Gallo getting our first communion"
"Speaking of which do you have family here Lombardi?" Dominic asked, "since when do you have any children?"
"Dom don't be rude" Gianna scolded
"It's okay" Salvatore replied "I have family here in fact I think you might know him very well Gallo"
What the fuck did that even mean? Dominic made it his mission to always stay clear of the bastard or his relatives.
Before Dominic could say anything the organ started to play and the choir started singing the opening hymn.
All of the parents, friends, and family turned around in their pews to see the line of second graders enter the sanctuary followed by the priest. All of the children had their hands pressed together in prayer form as they had practiced.
When Dominic saw Nicky his heart beamed with pride and joy he couldn't believe how grown up his little boy was now. Even Patrice was snapping pictures that she would probably share with him later. Gianna for once was acting like a mother and had a few tears in her eyes for the special occasion.
The only thing that didn't sit well with Dominic was how Salvatore was watching the kids come in from the back row. His focus was fixated on one child in particular but Dominic couldn't figure out who.
One by one each of the children went up to the alter to receive their bread and grape juice from the priest and the two alter boys. When it was Nicky's turn Dominic could not help but notice a huge grin crack on Salvatore's face and how he crossed his arms proudly.
What the fuck was that about?
"Dominic pay attention you're going to miss Nicky!" Gianna whispered pulling his attention away from Salvatore.
Dominic turned to his attention around in enough time to see Nicky bowing before the priest and waiting patiently to receive the blood and body of Christ. The priest placed his hand on Nicky's head and blessed him.
It was official
Nicky was now a devout follower of Jesus Christ
"Did you see me Miss Vaughn?"
Patrice was going to get a cup of punch from the refreshment table when Nicky came over to greet her. She still couldn't believe how big Nicky was now; from that little baby Dominic would bring in to the office shot up this boy would be in the third grade in the fall.
The little boy charm was still cute on Nicky though and he looked handsome in his black trousers and spenders even though his tie was a little out of place now. Patrice gently helped Nicky get his tie back into place and beamed at him.
"I sure did Nicky" she replied, "you did a fantastic job and I'm very proud of you"
"Dad says this means I'm old enough to take communion like everyone else from now on," Nicky said proudly
"I suppose so" Patrice humored him
"Do you know why we take communion Miss Vaughn? Because I can tell you"
"Alright Nicky I'm sure Miss Vaughn knows all about how communion works" Dominic said coming up to the two of them "why don't you go say hello to your grandparents and cousins they came to see you too"
"Okay Dad" Nicky replied, "thanks again for coming Miss Vaughn"
Patrice really wished that Nicky was still standing in front of them; it was the distraction she could have definitely used right now.
It forced her to focus on Dominic and how good he looked in his suit; she always found him handsome but this was a lot.
He's a married man and you're just friends
He's a married man and you're just friends
He's a married man with a family of his own and you're just friends
Patrice made a mental note to keep those phrases on repeat in her head to make it easy for her to remember that Dominic was completely off limits no matter how fine he was.
"You know how communion works right?" Dominic humored her as he poured her the cup of punch she was originally getting
"Yes" Patrice laughed "I would think being in Sunday school up until eighth grade has given me enough time to understand that"
"Bread and wine is a lot more complicated than you think"
"Thanks for coming today" Dominic said sincerely "you look great by the way I'm so used to see you in navy blue at work all the time the pastel purple dress suits you Trice"
"Thanks" Patrice said doing a good job of ignoring that giddy feeling that she felt when he called the nickname he had for her
"I know you and Gianna must be very proud of Nicky"
"Yeah" Dominic said rather frustrated "it's the only thing we can agree on lately"
"Dominic is everything okay?"
"It's nothing you have to be concerned with Trice"
Patrice knew that Dominic was lying and she didn't want to pry into his marriage but she had a strange feeling that she knew what it was.
"Why the hell is that bastard still here anyway," Dominic muttered "doesn't he have some unfinished business to attend to?"
Patrice knew that Dominic was talking about Salvatore. A chill had gone down her spine when she saw him enter the church that morning; she had her own history with the Lombardi family that was just as muddy as Dominic's.
However because she knew the truth the only probability that Patrice could come up with was Salvatore was here to see Nicky; but seemed to be keeping his distance.
"Did anybody invite him?"
"I have no glue and it's not like he cares about the community"
Dominic turned to Patrice and said very seriously
"Are you okay Patrice? I can get him to leave right now if you want"
"I'm fine"
"You're lying" Dominic said a little sternly "don't lie to me Trice I can always tell when you're lying"
"I don't want you to get hurt---"
"You think that son of bitch could hurt me?"
Patrice didn't mean to offend Dominic at all but she knew very well what Salvatore and the rest of the Lombardis were capable of doing; it had cost the lives of both of their fathers. She didn't want Dominic to have that same fate.
However things were about to get heated when Salvatore approached the children and called out to Nicky. Patrice could literally feel Dominic tense up next to her and even Gianna looked uncomfortable.
"Yes you kid" Salvatore chuckled pulling out a little jewelry case
All the children gathered around Nicky excited to see what the gift was
"What is it?" Nicky asked
"The only way you're going to find out is if you open the box"
Dominic was about to rush over and rip Salvatore a new one if it hadn't been for Patrice clutching her small hand in his large one to keep him level headed.
She was right the last thing he needed was to make a scene in the church social hall.
"Wow!" Nicky exclaimed pulling out a gold cross chain a typical gift in an Italian American family after a child's first communion espcially for a boy "thanks Mister!"
"You're welcome kid" Salvatore smiled "after all you're a young man now"
"I'm going to show my dad!" Nicky said excitedly and whipped around to run back into Dominic's direction "Dad look what I got!"
Dominic caught Salvatore's smug grin and he was pissed that the bastard overstepped his boundaries.
That was the type of present that the first communion boy would receive from his father, grandfather, uncle, or godfather and Salvatore didn't fit any of those categories as far as he was concerned. Who the fuck did he think he was?
It was time to go and Gianna was nervous and scared. Today's events really shook her and the way Salvatore crossed too many lines. While she told him that he was invited to the first communion she also told him to keep his distance.
The man had given her son a gold cross chain for Christ's sake; Dominic was definitely going to question her about that she could already sense his anger.
However she wasn't about to feel too guilty when she saw that Patrice bitch hanging around the punch bowl with her husband. What the fuck were those two talking about?
"Dom you and Nicky get in the car I have to grab my purse I left it in the social hall"
"Don't be too long Gianna we have reservations at the Cheesecake Factory"
"Yes I know"
Gianna quickly made her way back down the stairs of the church's basement when she saw Salvatore making his way in the opposite direction with her purse in hand.
"Looking for this?" he smirked
Gianna grabbed him by the hand and led him down behind the staircase furious with him and Salvatore simply chuckled in amusement.
"Somebody's pretty feisty on this fine Sunday" he said "I don't usually fuck in the Lord's House I'm not a total bastard---"
"Sal what the hell were you thinking today?" Gianna cut him off
"What are you talking about?"
"You know what I'm talking about I thought I told you to keep your distance today; you gave Nicky a gold chain similar to the one Dom got him"
"Nicky's my son" he replied smugly "I'm not allowed to get him on a present?
"Your name's not on the birth certificate"
"Gallo's name might be on that paper but it's Lombardi blood running through Nicky's veins and no paper is going to change that"
"Just stay away from Nicky" she said now shaking "I knew this was a bad idea I should have never agreed to this"
"Oh no Gianna you agreed to this almost eight years ago" Salvatore replied "Nicky is going to get older and start asking questions and what's going to happen when Gallo finds out?"
"You have a good Sunday my dear" Salvatore dismissed himself putting his hat on "you know where to find me if you need your back scratched"
Guilt washed over Gianna as pissed as she was at Salvatore he did have a point. Realistically how long could she keep Nicky's paternity a secret?
After all whatever's done in the dark eventually comes to light.