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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

 As Minerva sat, eyes scrolling through the spell book, she suddenly had the urge to look up in the direction of the large glass window where Connor was.

The warm sunlight that spilled through illuminated his eyes, the blueness of it startling her for a few seconds as it always seemed to do. His raven black hair was still wet from his shower a few moments before, the long locks held back with a rubber band, loose wisps curling against his forehead. How had she just realized he had naturally curly hair?

His black shirt was in contrast to his pale smooth skin, and was unbuttoned, giving her a view of his well defined abs. His lips were pink as he puckered them almost comically, looking lost in thought.

He must have just fed.

She should have been disgusted by the thought of it but she wasn't.


I've been around vampires for too long.”


Her eyes went to his arms. He had muscled arms, not overly, just nice enough. He was hardworking as a human, she knew, but maybe being a part of the undead added to the allure. He wiggled his toes. She had a thing for feet, call her weird if you must, but seeing his well manicured toes made her feel.. a certain way. She had mocked him once, calling him a princess when he mentioned going to the spa but inwardly, she appreciated a man who took care of himself in every way.

He just sat there, looking up at the blue sky that seemed pale in comparison to his azure eyes, his fingers marking the page of the book he held, a far off look on his face. He was so human.

He was beautiful.

She admitted to herself that Connor was too good looking- he knows it, everyone knows it. A good looking asshole. A picture perfect, Adonis looking, brilliant, cocky asshole.

An asshole that every one with a vagina and eyes swooned over immediately they saw him, no need for compulsion. And if she let him, he would have her underwear down to her ankles and off but thank heavens for self restraint.

She sighed, frowned and tried to focus on the spell she was trying to learn.

Besides, he wasn't her type. Not like she was racist, she had no issue dating a white guy but Connor was the resident insane vampire with extremely questionable morals and she wasn't into that kind of crazy.


“So why are you staring? Why do you itch to touch him?. To kiss him. To put your nose on his neck and know exactly what he smelt like during...”


She shook her head, suddenly hot and bothered.


“doloris amor

amor tenebris

amor est mendacium”


His voice filtered into her thoughts and she looks up to realize his standing in front of her. She hadn't heard him move. Stupid vampires.


“What? ”


“Did you understand? ”


“You do know I speak Latin everyday don't you?”


He smirks “ It's a poem. Love is an illusion.”


She raised her brow and drawled out an “Okay... ”


“Don't you agree? ”


“Since when did we join this poetry class together? ”


He rolled his eyes, “It’s just a question Minny.”


“Don't call me Minny.”


“ Everyone calls you Minny.”


“ Yes. But I usually don't feel like tearing their limbs off every other Tuesday” She said straight faced.

He smirks again. He never really smiled, just the smirk and sometimes he has these crazy look in his eyes when he's trying not to kill someone who he finds annoying.


“I'm a bad influence on you Minny.”


He turns away and was at the foot of the stairs that led to his wing of the house when she spoke;


“amor enim quod volo esse”


He was smiling now. She almost ran out the door screaming the world is ending! Connor Strauss just smiled!


“Nos iustus postulo ius persona” his smile had gone but she could see it in his eyes still “I guess we are in this poetry class together after all Minny” and he sped up the stairs before she could blink.


Her eyes were rooted to the spot he had stood, thinking about that look she had seen. Did she imagine it? Or was there something else than their animosity between them. A sudden shiver overcame her as she whispered the last verse of the short poem to herself.


“in oculis vestris

altius et altius, ego cadunt”.



****(poem translation)


Love is pain

Love is dark

Love is a lie


Love is anything we want it to be


We just need the right person











In your eyes, deeper and deeper I fall.

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.