Penname: sha2011 [Contact]

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Member Since: December 16 2012

Membership status: Member


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Stories by sha2011
Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 1032]



A virtual wallflower for most of her life, what will Sasha do when she encounters the first man to ever make her want to be noticed? Dmitri is a man used to being surrounded by the most beautiful things, including women. Will he accept Sasha, a woman who is usually overshadowed by the beauty of her friends? Is he capable of noticing that while her beauty may not be as blatant, it should still be treaured? This is the story of a wallflower and the man she loves.


Sasha: the Wallflower has been removed from this site and is available for purchase on Amazon Kindle. Thank you all for your support!

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: General
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Romance
Story Status: Completed
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Extreme Language, Original Characters, Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 31
Word count: 2670
Read Count: 196908
Published: May 31 2013
Updated: November 25 2015

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 286]

SEQUEL to Sasha: the Wallflower. Adaline Lang is an up and coming photographer with more than her own set of problems. During her cousin's wedding she comes face-to-face with the man that she had fallen in love with as a child. Only to find out he was in love with someone else. What will she do to finally be heard and convince him that the perfect women he has been looking for is standing right in front of him?

Dominic Vikhrov is caught between a rock and a hard place. The woman he has fawned after for so many years has finally returned to the United States. But he isn't the only one who is fighting for her heart. Never one to lose, Dominic has his eye on the prize no matter the cost. But will his tunnel vision blind him to something even greater?

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Romance
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Original Characters, Rape, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 12
Word count: 37246
Read Count: 40857
Published: October 24 2014
Updated: November 20 2015

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.