Penname: carolinaheart [Contact]

Real name: Whytney

Member Since: February 11 2010

Membership status: Member


Hello all, 

I decided to take a stab at writing. So with that said let me know what you think of my work. I've written fanfiction before, but I've only ever completed two stories (which are on under carolinaheart). Any feedback will be helpful so that's it.

Oh yeah, I'm on Twitter .

Fate and Coincidence is on a permanent hiatus, and I'm probably going to take it down. 


On Hiatus: No
Beta-reader: Yes

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Stories by carolinaheart
Rated: Teen or Above
[Reviews - 63]

Formerly Fate and Coincidence (and by formerly I mean completely rewritten, my NaNoWriMo project)

A year abroad did nothing to help Cassandra Mitchell heal from the earth-shattering death of her on-again-off-again boyfriend. She did not think coming home to the familiarity of the Big City would do her much good either. But an encounter with Luke, be it a coincidence or destined by fate, on the flight home has her making more strides toward healing than any trip around the world ever could have. With the help of a new friend, Cassie finds herself again and perhaps something more.

Luke is a lawyer who spends too much time in the office; he's on the precipice of a big promotion. In every other way, Luke is a fairly laid-back person with a tendency to go with the flow. Running into Cassie presents an opportunity for Luke to get out of the office and experience life. However, his easy going demeanor may get him less than what he wants.

* Title subject to change

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Friendship, Romance
Story Status: Muse went on vacation, no idea when it will be back
Pairings: None
Warnings: Homosexuality, Original Characters, Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 31
Word count: 69481
Read Count: 146198
Published: November 20 2013
Updated: August 14 2022

Rated: Most Ages
[Reviews - 28]

Two ex-lovers meet in an airport terminal years after ending their relationship. The fourth and final installment of my series of one shots based on a song. And to be fair, this one was inspired by three songs--Hello, Send My Love and These Days.

Table of Contents
Categories: Music, Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: None
Story Status: Completed
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Series: Stand Alone but Together
Chapters: 1
Word count: 1554
Read Count: 4066
Published: March 24 2016
Updated: March 24 2016

Rated: Most Ages
[Reviews - 19]

Another song-based one-shot to go with Stone Cold and All I Ask. If the three shorts had to go in an order it would be All I Ask, Stone Cold and then this one. They can all be read alone though.

Table of Contents
Categories: Music, Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: None
Story Status: Completed
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Series: Stand Alone but Together
Chapters: 1
Word count: 1267
Read Count: 3074
Published: March 16 2016
Updated: March 16 2016

Rated: Teen or Above
[Reviews - 24]

Kind of a companion piece to Stone Cold, but it can be considered a stand alone piece. It's another drabble for another song.

Table of Contents
Categories: Music, Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: Drabbles
Genre: None
Story Status: Completed
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Series: Stand Alone but Together
Chapters: 1
Word count: 1247
Read Count: 3185
Published: March 06 2016
Updated: March 06 2016

Rated: Most Ages
[Reviews - 10]

Just a short drabble based on a song.

Table of Contents
Categories: Miscellaneous
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Romance
Story Status: Completed
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Series: Stand Alone but Together
Chapters: 1
Word count: 763
Read Count: 3017
Published: February 25 2016
Updated: February 25 2016

Rated: Most Ages
[Reviews - 2]

When cleaning out her Gran's attic, Cordelia finds something interesting. One-shot challenge response.

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Family, Romance
Story Status: Completed
Pairings: None
Warnings: Original Characters, Un-betaed
Challenges: 3 Random Things
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 1501
Read Count: 3470
Published: February 17 2014
Updated: February 17 2014

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.