Summary: Kori Ann has been through more than her fair share of drama in her twenty years of life. All she wants to do is put the lies and pain behind her and keep it moving. Now, with a failed engagement under her belt Kori finds herself in an odd predicament with her ever growing attraction to the new graphic designer at her job.
Jonathan Park or Seung-won as some know him by has had enough of living his life for other people. He promised his parents he'd play by their rules when he moved in with them and to the East Coast from Sunny California but trying to live up to their standards is not what it's cracked up to be. What he really craves is to live as authentically as possible. But his new found attraction to his co-worker could just get in the way of his dreams of 'realness''.
With a little help from a few friends these two may just find what they've been searching for in each other. That is if the little white lies and ommited truths don't catch up to them both first.
Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Comedy ,
RomanceStory Status: ActivePairings: None
Warnings: Character Death,
Drugs/Drug Use,
Extreme Language,
Original Characters,
Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 5
Word count: 12921
Read Count: 5012
Published: August 24 2014
Updated: October 29 2014