Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Other Results: 1 Series

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 12]
Summary: Cassie was sobbing. She pleaded for her life and the lives of their children. Dean knew she was seeing a Reaper. He begged them to hold on. He could save them if they just did not give up. Needed to do something different. This is not a Cassie Bashing story.

A little ambitious for me. I have been watching the supernatural series 1-5 since the new one started (sucks, stupid Gumby and her kid). I keep coming back to Dean’s big mistake i.e. the waitress from Tampa. After a huge discussion with my boyfriend I decided to write a story about Tampa girl. Hope you like it. Betaed by Monique. Thanks girl.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: None
Classification: Alternate Universe, Off Cannon , Supernatural
Genre: Drama, Family, Friendship, Mystery, Suspense
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural) , Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Dark Fic, Extreme Language, Original Characters, Strong Sexual Content , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 11
Word count: 33467
Read Count: 1422
Published: 18/11/10
Updated: 03/05/11

Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 9]

This will be a new type of story. Some may call it reactionary and that is about the only thing I can thing of to call it myself. What I want to do during season Six of supernatural is write a chapter of this each week after I see the show. It might be considered an anti Lisa story because from what I have heard *SP* Lisa will be around for the better part of the first of the season. I hope you all enjoy my experiment. (I am calling in an exorcism each week to get Lisa out of my mind)


Also it basically begins where "When Dean Went Back" end but since the format is different I hope its okay to post as a new fic.

No copyright infringement is intended, all recognizable characters remain the property of their owners.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Family, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Adult Situations, Original Characters, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 3
Word count: 4819
Read Count: 11456
Published: 03/09/10
Updated: 30/03/11

Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 12]

Cassie Robinson moves to Mystic Falls after being turned into a Vampire.  She is hoping for a new life with her distant cousin, Bonnie Bennet but things change with the arrival of the Winchester brothers in town. 


No copyright infringement is intended.  All characters remain the property of the original owners. 


pic for fic

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Bonnie Bennett, Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe, Crossover
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Family, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Adult Situations, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Threesome+, Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 6
Word count: 10392
Read Count: 16429
Published: 27/11/10
Updated: 30/03/11

Rated: Teen or Above
[Reviews - 6]

This is an angsty/drama/romance AU fic set near the end and after Route666, no road house crew, no Gordon, no Sarah, no one they met after that episode included. However, Bobby and Missouri are present as well as created information regarding their father, John. This is a different concept based on an alternate ending of the episode.



No copyright infringement is intended.  

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Family, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 2633
Read Count: 2352
Published: 11/02/11
Updated: 11/02/11

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 9]

Summary: Takes place Ten years after Story Three. The Winchester Siblings all have families and yes the supernatural is still very much in their lives. And a few Secrets do remain to be solved.

No copyright infringement is intended.  All known characters retain their original ownership.  

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Family, Mystery, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Original Characters, Racism, Strong Sexual Content , Work in Progress
Series: Road House Series -Supernatural-DeanCentric
Chapters: 6
Word count: 14136
Read Count: 997
Published: 14/01/11
Updated: 30/01/11

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 18]

This story is the third of the series.  Cassie and Dean are married with four children.  Dean had settled into working at an auto shop and Cassie still writes. Sam and Sarah are married as well and living as best they can in a world where the yellowed eyed demon is dead but supernatural is still present in their lives.



No copyright infringement is intended.  All recognizable characters are still the property of the original creators. 

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Family, Mystery, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Adult Situations, Original Characters, Strong Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 15
Word count: 36546
Read Count: 2687
Published: 02/07/10
Updated: 02/12/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 2]

Cassie Robinson was meant to be with Dean Winchester. It was just one of life's little secrets. This is a DarkFic. (hint)  Setting is Pre Series AU and Post Season Three AU


No copyright infringement is intended. All characters remain the property of their creators.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Family, Mystery
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Character Death, Dark Fic, Original Characters, Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 3
Word count: 6370
Read Count: 1097
Published: 25/10/10
Updated: 26/10/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 3]



This a one shot Cassie/Dean fic but its AU and scary suspenseful. Dean thinks he has done the right thing but doesn't have any idea what is really going on. I wrote this for the Grindhouse challenge.

No copyright infringement is intended. All recognizable characers belong to the creators.



Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Dark Fic, Un-betaed
Challenges: Chamber Grindhouse Challenge
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 683
Read Count: 520
Published: 05/10/10
Updated: 05/10/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 2]

Alright I’ve calmed down. I’ve decided Dean needs to make things right for Cassie and his children.

Dean meets his grown daughter.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe, Off Cannon
Genre: Drama, Family
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 1426
Read Count: 802
Published: 29/09/10
Updated: 29/09/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 3]
Summary: Hated the season premier of Super Natural. They totally douched up Dean’s character. Since the writer’s want him with Lisa so badly I’m putting him with her and since the posters at the CW message boards think Cassie is a bitch I’m making her that way. Just my way of saying bite me.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Word count: 4861
Read Count: 808
Published: 27/09/10
Updated: 27/09/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 2]

This story was written to celebrate the one year anniversary of Route 666. Thanks for reading.

 No copyright infringement is intended.  All recognizable characters remain the property of their owners. 

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Family, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Original Characters, Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 3
Word count: 5878
Read Count: 886
Published: 18/08/10
Updated: 18/08/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 6]

Dean hunts his love.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Erotica, Fantasy, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Adult Situations, Extreme Language, Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Challenges: With This Ring
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 1223
Read Count: 886
Published: 10/07/10
Updated: 10/07/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 8]

This story takes up not long after the last story.  Dean and Cassie have Jason with them and Sam is with Sarah.  Of course Winchester life is never drama free.  Check out the new developements in this story.



Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, all creators of Supernatural retain all their rights. 

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Family
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 12
Word count: 31756
Read Count: 4706
Published: 15/06/10
Updated: 23/06/10

Rated: Teen or Above
[Reviews - 7]
Summary: A Post series story about Cassie Robinson & Dean Winchester. What happens after the Demon is dead? Is life what the Winchester's imagined? Will Sam go back to college? Does John take a new wife?

I do not own Dean, Cassie, Sam, John or any other recognizable character; no copyright infringement intended.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe, Supernatural
Genre: Drama, Family, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 12
Word count: 30795
Read Count: 28692
Published: 08/06/10
Updated: 09/06/10

Rated: Teen or Above
[Reviews - 2]
Summary: Sam Winchester Falls for a huntress. This takes place after John's death but it is in an Alternate Universe.
 The woman of color in this story is Tawny Cypress. No Copyright infringement is intended.  All recognizable characters are the property of their owners. 

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Original Character(s)
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Family, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural) , Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 10
Word count: 26914
Read Count: 20471
Published: 06/06/10
Updated: 07/06/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 2]

Cassie can't forget Dean so she changes professions.


No copyright infringement intended.  All recognizable characters belong to their original creators.  

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Family, Horror, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Adult Situations, Original Characters
Series: None
Chapters: 15
Word count: 26802
Read Count: 2617
Published: 05/06/10
Updated: 06/06/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 1]

A Replacement Ending for Season Five 99 Problems episode.  

Cassie is the one that Dean goes to see when things are about to fall apart Not Lisa. 


No copyright infringement intended, all recognizable characters are the property of their original creators. 

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 1682
Read Count: 516
Published: 06/06/10
Updated: 06/06/10

Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 3]

Dean asks Sam to do a personal favor for him as his dying wish.

This is a fluke one shot that went from one idea to a stranger Idea, yeah a bit kinky in a sad way.  It turns out I did write a sequel one shot. 

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Family, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural) , Male/Female
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Word count: 4707
Read Count: 6197
Published: 05/06/10
Updated: 05/06/10

Rated: 17 and older

[Reviews - 0]

Dean’s journey to see Cassie turns tragic when he finds out what has been going on with his one love.
This is the first of a series of one shot darkfics. In my mind dark is a sad story without a happy ending for the couple like the ones I usually write.


Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended.  Any recognizable character is the property of the writers/creators of Supernatural. 

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Dark Fic
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 3441
Read Count: 474
Published: 05/06/10
Updated: 05/06/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 2]

  Dean and Cassie decided to see each other when possible after he left her at the end of Route 666.

I do not own Sam or Dean or Cassie I just like to play with them from time to time. No copyright infringement intended.

cassie/dean manip

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 3216
Read Count: 612
Published: 04/06/10
Updated: 04/06/10

Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 2]

Cassie can't get Dean out of her heart even though she is engaged to another man.  Inspired by Bad Habits written by blackmamba


Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended by my usage of recognizable characters in this work of ficiton. 



Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 3008
Read Count: 2452
Published: 04/06/10
Updated: 04/06/10

Rated: Teen or Above
[Reviews - 3]
Summary: He needs to be on the road. No sense in delaying the inevitable. But he doesn’t move until she lets go.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 1338
Read Count: 3322
Published: 06/03/10
Updated: 06/03/10

Rated: Most Ages
[Reviews - 5]

maybe in the future

you're gonna come back

you're gonna come back

the only way to really know is to really let it go

maybe you're gonna come back

you're gonna come back

you're gonna come back to me

- Maybe by Ingrid Michaelson

Table of Contents
Categories: Music, Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe, Supernatural
Genre: Family, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Word count: 775
Read Count: 5096
Published: 09/02/10
Updated: 09/02/10