Summary: For all Richonne fans who are looking to work Jessie out of their sytem. At the end of season 5 when Rick planted a peck on Jessie's cheek, I almost threw my TV out the window. Yeah, I didn't take it well. LoL! Anway, thank goodness for ValentChamber where I can work out my frustrations. Here is my way of erasing that imagery from my mind. There is some Dasha too. Hope you all will like it and leave comments.
Thank you.
Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Michonne
Classification: Off Cannon Genre: EroticaStory Status: CompletedPairings: Male/FemaleWarnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 3
Word count: 6393
Read Count: 11409
Published: June 13 2015
Updated: July 05 2015